In today's lesson we were told to bring in a music magazine in which we were to analysise the codes and conventions of a double page spread. We got into groups were we then compared some double page spreads from different magazines to come up with what they had in common. These are some of the points we came up with:
- there is normally an image on the left hand side of the double page spread covering the intire page, however sometimes they can bleed from one section to another.
- Consistant colours are used throughout the double page spread.
- The credits; also known as by line are placed at the bottom to credit the photographer and writer.
- Drop quotes are used on the page, the text is from the article.
- The stand first is above the article but below the masthead.
- Generally, on a double page spread there are roughly 3-4 columns.
- A large masthead is used at the top of the article, the masthead stands out from the rest of the article.
- The images used have captions.
- The double page spread has a page number either side to tell the reader what page they are on.
- The font used for the article is size 11 and normally Ariel or Times New Roman.
- The artist name is higlighted.
- The tone of the article is formal, which connents to the audience to allow them to relax.
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