Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Codes and conventions of contents pages

Codes and conventions of contents pages

In today's lesson we analysed a hand full of varied contents pages and worked out how each of them followed and deviated the codes and conventions.

- Most magazines consist on having the masthead at the top of the page.  Followed by " Contents ", this is always featured at the top of the page.

- Contain a main image which corresponds with the main story featured inside.

- The main image and smaller images contain page references and a caption beneath the image.

- The colours used are continuous from the front cover. There are normally 3-4 different colours so its easy on the eye.

- There are generally 2-3 columns.

- Each column contain page numbers for each different article. The page numbers are normally a different colour to the text along side it.

- The first column is normally the featured articles from the front of the magazine.

- The same font is used so its easy on the eye.

- Some magazines, but not all consist on having an editors letter on the contents page, which generally contain information on what is in the issue and to generally welcome any new readers.

- The date and issue number are on most contents pages.

- A contents page generally consists of no more then 10 images. If there were more then the page would look to crowded.

- There are 20 regulars and featured articles.

- Towards the bottom of the contents page there are subscription details, were people can subscribe to the magazine if they don't have time to go out and buy the issue.

- Contact details are placed on the contents page, for readers to get in touch via email, telephone, letter or fax.

- Credits are normally at the bottom of the page for the photography on the front cover and contents page.

- Normally the very last thing on a contents page, is the magazines website, it is normally in the bottom right hand corner as it is the least important. 

- The page numbers alwyas come before the text, followed by a few words e.g. the artists name or an ambigous text to intrigue the reader in either bold capitals.

- The subline is after this, this tells you a more specific detail about the article, in smaller and roman font.

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