Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Preliminary task

First draft of contents page

In today's lesson, we had to design and create a mock up of our contents page for our magazine, but following the codes and conventions of a contents page.

Regular content:
- Charity events
- Puzzles and activities
- Teachers interview
- Up coming events

Featured articles
- A-Level results
- GCSE results
- Welcome to our new year 7's
- Weatherhead T.V
- Beauty and the Beast
- Ice Radio on air
- CC4G
- A-Level Italian exchange
- Extra curriculum activities

Images used on my contents page
- In the top left hand cover there will be a smaller image of the front cover.
- The main image used, will be of a student holding their GCSE results. This corresponds with the main story.
- Image of Beauty and the Beast.
- Image of the Italian exchange.
- Image of a T.V to represent Weatherhead T.V.
All of the images will have a page reference and a caption below them. This is so the reader can automatically turn to the right page, without having to flick through the magazine.

My contents page will consist of of having a constant font used throughout, this will be a clear and easy to read. The font will be approximately size 11. However, the page number will be a different colour and may even be bigger in size, this is they stand out to the reader. Also, my contents page will be set out in columns. However, they will be fragmented into two different sections: regulars and featured articles. At the bottom of my contents page there will be the magazines website and contact details e.g. email address.

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