Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Using Quark to create my contents page

Using Quarkxpress to create my contents page proved difficult due to me not using it before. However, it was easy once i picked up all the techniques to create my desired effct. Below are some tools i encounted to create my finished contents page.

These are the following tools i used to create my contents page.

The following images were used on my contents page.

I used the 'A' tool on the tool bar shown above to create my text, i then changed the font style, colour and size to suit my desired design.

After taking several photographs for my contents page i then uploaded them to my computer using a usb cable. To import them onto my document i drawn a box using the image tool on the tool bar, i stretched it to my desired size and then right click and imported my image. If my image was too small or too big i would resize it by dragging it to an approved size, then simply clicking "scale picture to box".

After importing my text i then added detail in order to form to the codes and conventions, i simply created a red thick line using the shapes tool, to place underneith the page references in order for them to stand out. I then copied and pasted them to suit the positioning of the text.

Here is my final version of my contents page. After using all the tools above to create my document i now feel confident when using Quark if i were to come across it in the future.

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